Evidence that you should take your content diet more seriously

What if I told you that junk content has as bad of an impact on your mind as junk food has on your body?

Yeah, you already heard that before, I know.

Quite a few people talk about this.

And yet hardly anyone takes it seriously.

Why is that?

Two reason.

Firstly, humans are horrible at understanding how the compound effect works.

How much harm can a little bit doomscrolling really do?

Not much of course. But that’s not point.

Eating a single bag of chips won’t make you fat or sick.

But if you do it regularly, the tiny damages keep compounding and you do end up fat and sick.

I’m convinced doomscrolling or consuming any form of junk content is no different.

And that’s directly related to the second reason.

Maybe I’m convinced, but where’s the proof?

I recently watched a video by Alex Hormozi in which he talks about what he learned by analyzing all the data after producing thousands of pieces of content.

A surprising learning is that content funnels do not work.

In theory, you produce entertaining, shortform content to get attention. Then once people are hooked they start consuming your deeper, educational, longform content.

Except that this doesn’t happen.

People who consume entertaining, shortform content are not interested in longform content. They just want more entertaining, shortform content.

Alex Hormozi’s playbook is to turn authority into equity.

He wants to get the attention and trust of business owners to get them interested in working with him.

What he discovered is that his entertaining content has no meaningful impact on this bottom of the funnel.

The types of people he wants to work with do not consume entertaining, shortform content.

There’s no relevant movement inside the funnel.

What I took away from this is that the content you consume says a lot about you.

When you become hooked on junk content, you’re losing all interest in consuming more meaningful content.

You’re also most likely not getting anything meaningful done.

Now that’s of course by no means proof of anything and you can start arguing about cause and effect.

Yes, unhealthy people are more likely to consume junk food.

Yes, people who are not getting anything meaningful done are more likely to consume junk content.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a causal relationship.

But I believe there is.

Written on May 4, 2024

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